Therapeutic effects of <I>Cyperus esculentus</I> on Monosodium glutamate-induced haemo-biochemical and steroidogenic anomalies in male Wistar rats
Tigernut, Monosodium glutamate, Anaemia, Haematinics, TestosteroneAbstract
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a well-known food additive linked to anaemia and reproductive/hormonal disorders. The effects of Cyperus esculentus against MSG-induced toxicity in male animals have not been reported, therefore, the study aimed to investigatethe therapeuticeffects of Cyperus esculentus on MSG-induced haemo-biochemical and reproductive hormone anomalies in male rats. Forty adult male Wistar rats were randomly assigned into four groups (n=10). Group A served as the control, received 0.5 mL of distilled water orally. Group B, received MSG alone at 2 mg/kg orally, Group C received oral Cyperus esculentus at 500 mg/kg while Group D was treated with MSG alone orally at 2 mg/kg for the first 14 days, after which the rats received oral dose of Cyperus esculentus at 500 mg/kg for another 14 days.Five rats were sacrificed from each group 14 and 28 days post-treatment, respectively, during which samples were collected for haematological, biochemical and hormones assays. The packed cell volume and testosterone values in Group D were significantly higher than the values in Group B. It was concluded that Cyperus esculentus caused increased packed cell volume and testosterone, remarkable therapeutic effect on MSG-induced haematological and testosterone anomalies. Cyperus esculentus juice is therefore recommended as a potential haematinic and therapeutic agent for infertility in male rats exhibiting low libido.
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