Isolation and Characterization of -Sitosterol, Palmitic acid and Rutin from the Root of Nigerian <I>Kalanchoe pinnata</I> (Lam.)
Spectroscopy, sitosterol, Rutin, Palmitic acid, Kalanchoe pinnata rootAbstract
In Nigeria, Kalanchoe pinnata (Lam) is a widely used medicinal plant in traditional medicine. The leaves are a popular therapeutic herb for a variety of ailments, but the root has gotten relatively little attention and limited scientific exploration, suggesting a potential untapped resource. Given the variety of biological activities linked to Kalanchoe species, it is conceivable that the root may contain special phytochemicals with beneficial medicinal qualities. The root extract of K. pinnata was obtained through cold maceration and triturated with n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol according to polarity, where fractions TF1, TF2, and TF3 were obtained. TF3, based on its antimicrobial and phytochemical screening, was subjected to isolation and purification by column and thin layer chromatography and characterization by spectroscopic methods (1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, Infra-red spectroscopies, and Mass spectrometry). This led to the isolation of three compounds, which were identified as β-sitosterol, a known plant sterol; palmitic acid, a fatty acid; and rutin, a flavonol. This discovery may open up new avenues for the development of these compounds as medications for the treatment of ailments such as ulcers and inflammation.
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